FAN Wins Second Round in Landmark Court Case
Congratulations to our colleagues at Fluoride Action Network! If you're not yet following this landmark legal battle that could end the addition of fluoridation chemicals to drinking water, take note. Please consider donating to support the case with the link below.
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On February 7, 2018, the Fluoride Action Network (FAN), together with a coalition of environmental and health groups (see Plaintiffs below), won a second major victory in our legal case to force the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to end the deliberate addition of fluoride to the public water supply (water fluoridation).
IQ Losses Continue to Haunt Fluoride
Clean Water Oregon volunteer Rick North published the following opinion piece in The Lund Report on October 4, 2017.
North is the former executive vice president of the Oregon American Cancer Society and former project director for Oregon Physicians for Social Responsibility’s Campaign for Safe Food.
"On September 19, Environmental Health Perspectives, a highly-respected journal, published a study linking higher fluoride levels in pregnant women to lower IQ’s in their children.
The decrease was significant.